Monday, July 6, 2009

Ya, Ya, I know

I missed on Friday, and yesterday. To my defense, I wasn't home at all on Friday and Saturday. We were up at my parents for the 4th. Yesterday was clean the house day and Jeremy was down with food poisoning! So I am back on track today. Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. We had so much fun. Jeremy, the girls, my brother, Dan, and myself went down to the reservation on Friday and bought $400 worth of the good fireworks and had a great time lighting them all off for two days! Here are a couple of fireworks pictures (I'll have to get the rest from my mom):
Aaron lighting mortars:

Abby Helping Daddy light bottle rockets:

Alyssa holding Ainsley's ears:

Then as I was searching for these I discovered that Abby got a hold of mommy's camera. The little twerp has quite the eye!! She took about two dozen pictures. Thank goodness we have a digital camera! I might actually print these out and start a little portfolio for her. Maybe this is her natural talent! Speaking of the little booger:

The girls' first day of Vacation Bible School (VBS) was today. Jeremy picked them up and said they had a great time. When I asked Abby what they learned about she said, "God". When I asked her what God does she said, "Makes soup"! I laughed water out my nose!!! Kids say the greatest things.
Well don't know what else to tell you today. Guess I will go start making some memories to write about on Wednesday.
OH!! I almost forgot. The principal at Alyssa's school has asked me to creat a scrapbook for the school. It's something she will use to take around to area businesses to try and get donation support for the school. This means A LOT of people will soon be seeing my work!! Hopefully this will mean some customized scrapbook business coming my way. I think I am going to make us some business cards to go in a pocket in the back of the scrapbook. How awesome would it be if this took off??? Pray for me! Who knows what God has in store.
Until next time...God Bless!!!

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