Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well the house has finally closed. With that has brought about moving. Oh and it wouldn't be my life if that was the only thing going on. I started a new job. Extremely part time at the local scrapbook store. One or two days a week three and a half hour shifts. Its nice because I can have a little me time but still be home with the girls. Oh then of course there is school, church, directing the play... Tomorrow we go to Spokane to pick up Wyatt, our new Golden Retriever puppy! I am so excited about that and will be putting pictures in my slide show soon! So we are packing boxes, cleaning the apartment, ripping up old carpet, painting walls, and moving in general. It has been an exciting month that I can't wait to be over. I'll be happy when life settles down for the winter. I seem to relax better when we aren't going ninty miles an hour and that's hard to do with three feet of snow on the ground. Well I am going to head to bed. Until next time, God Bless.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Am I Crazy?!?!?!?!

Okay so I don't have enough hours in my days as it is. So what do I do? I go and get a part time job! It's mostly for me though. I had selfish reasons in mind when I talked to the owner of the local scrapbook store. It will be a few hours a day I get to interact with adults. It will allow me to expand the knowledege of my passion. It will allow me time to create and teach others to create. It will allow my husband to spend some much needed nurturing time with our girls. It will allow me to pitch in with the financial aspects of our life. Okay so maybe not all my reasons were selfish. It's a part time job so I will be home with the girls in the afternoon. This means I have to stay on top of my homework so I don't get behind at school. I will work some Saturdays but hopefully not too many.
We are so close to the house closing I can taste it! I don't want to get to excited though because then something might go wrong. I just have to put my complete faith in the Lord and know he will do what is best for us and his glory. I pray that he will give me the courage to accept what he wants for us, even if it isn't what I want for us. I have the hardest time with that one. You know the one where God says, "Amy this is what is best, it is for your own good and My glory". And I say, "But God..." and He says, "Don't question, just accept." and I say, "Yes, Lord". I am learning though that things happen in his time and not mine. For his glory, not mine. For my own good as he sees fit.
Well I have rambled enough for tonight. Until next time, God Bless!