Sunday, July 26, 2009

What a week!!

Well I survived week one... barely! It was quite a week trying to get the girls to get a long, listen to me, and try to keep the house clean. Then if that wasn't taxing enough a close family friend passed away on Monday. This man was like a grandfather to me and now he is just gone. I will miss him greatly. Jeremy took the news rather well. So what, may you ask, is so difficult about single parenting. EVERYTHING!! I have a new found respect for single moms now. They do everything a mom and a dad do without a fall back person to give you a hand or a break when you need one. We made it through the week mostly disaster free. Then came Friday. I'm trying to get the kitchen cleaned up, weekly mop session and general dusting and Abby comes to me with a pair of scissors in one hand and a comb in the other and says, "Mama, fix it." So I start combing her hair and getting ready to trim her bangs. Then I notice this:

I could have just died! We just got her hair grown out from last summer when Alyssa cut her curls off because, "I didn't like them mommy!" So now I have to figure out what to do with this little girl's hair do. Off to Fantastic Sams we went:

Now my baby girl's curls are all gone and she looks so grown up. Now that I have had a couple days to adjust it is a really cute hair do. Here are some pictures of after the hair cut of the girls being little hams:

Yesterday we took off and headed down to Post Falls. We tried to do some letterboxing without much success so we decided to wait until daddy gets back to help us. I let the girls play at the park and then we headed to a game night with the FRG (Family Readiness Group). I am the secretary for the unit's FRG and we do little get togethers throughout the year and when the guys are gone to help pass the time. It was a lot of fun. I forgot my camera in the car so I don't have any pictures.
Well it's getting late and I have to get up early. Alyssa has day camp tomorrow (YAY!). I have to work a few hours at the school. And I have way too much homework that I procrastinated. So I am going to run for now. Until next time... God Bless!


jgirl said...

single parenting is work only for the very strong in mind and spirit, I am only speaking from can do it and my hat's off to you girl!=0) one nice thing about shorter hair on your baby is that it will take half the time to get it fixed! my daughter usually has shorter hair for this reason! she looks so cute as well!=0)

Pam said...

Amy! She looks adorable!!
Don't forget to come back to see us at FH2S! We had to redo the board - AGAIN!!!!!!!!
You are missed! you need to register again :)